Our mission

We are on a mission to provide one million meals for people in need. We believe that a delicious cup of coffee should create a better mañana for everyone.

A better mañana (morning) for you by enjoying great-tasting coffee and the hope of a better mañana (tomorrow) for communities across Mexico through providing meals to vulnerable communities.

We believe in putting people over profits and that businesses should exist to serve their community and make the world a better place. Your support ensures a better mañana for farmers, their families, as well as communities facing food insecurity throughout Mexico.

How we started

While living in Mexico, we fell in love with everything around us–the traditions, the people, the food, and of course, the coffee. But when we visited family in the U.S., we couldn't find the authentic Mexican coffee that we were used to drinking in Mexico.

In 2021, Con Todo Coffee was born out of a love for Mexico and a desire to share its delicious coffee with the world.

The ugly truth

As we learned more about the coffee industry, we were shocked by the injustices we saw first hand. Many farmers were being exploited and left in poverty while the giants of the coffee industry raked in profits. Needless to say, after learning about how much of the industry works, the coffee we once enjoyed felt tainted.

At that point, we knew we had to do things differently. With every bag of Con Todo Coffee you purchase, you're not just enjoying great tasting coffee – you're truly making a difference.

Our story

  • Fighting Hunger

    For every bag you purchase, you are providing three meals for someone in need in Mexico. Through our partnership with local food banks, you are helping to end hunger in vulnerable communities and truly make a positive difference in the lives of others with each sip of coffee!

  • Supporting a Primary School

    Your coffee purchase helps ensure the children of coffee farmers have a safe place to learn how to read, write, and have fun. Without this school project these children would be left to work with mom and dad on the farm. Your support ensures these kiddos have a safe environment to learn and simply be kids.

  • Ethical Farming Practices

    By choosing Con Todo Coffee, you are supporting ethical farming practices in the coffee industry. Sadly, paying farmers a fair and ethical wage is not the norm by large coffee corporations. By supporting ethical farming, you are helping to create a better mañana for coffee farmers like Macario and Doña Pancha.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Con Todo Coffee a not-for-profit organization? 

Con Todo Coffee is a for-profit company that exists to create a better mañana. We do that by providing delicious coffee and by supporting ethical farming practices, helping to fund childhood education at our partner farm, and by donating three meals to a person in need for every bag that you purchase. At Con Todo Coffee, we believe that for-profit companies have a responsibility to serve their community. 

What does Con Todo mean? 

“Con Todo” literally translates to  “with everything”. The first time we heard the phrase “con todo” was at a taco stand in Mexico. Whenever you order street tacos, they will ask you if you want them “con todo” or with everything (cilantro, onion, and lime). As big time foodies, we loved that concept! “Yes, give it to me with all of the good stuff!” we thought.

The next day at the gym we heard people yelling “Dale con todo!” to people doing the workout! This phrase means “Give it everything you have!”. From that moment on, the phrase con todo stuck with us. Afterall, anything that applies at a taco stand AND the gym, has to be amazing, right!?

Con Todo is a way of life. Love con todo. Work con todo. Play con todo. Living con todo is throwing yourself fully and completely into everything that you do. From playing with your kids, to pursuing your dream career, to attempting to run a marathon, do it con todo! 

How does Con Todo Coffee give back? 

At Con Todo Coffee we give back in three ways:

First, each year we support the primary school at Finca las Chicharras. The farm built the school because the farm is deep in the mountains, far from a school for the children of the farmers to learn and play. This school provides an opportunity for the children at the farm to learn how to read, write, and play. We support the school project by sending the school at the farm school supplies such as books, notebooks, penciles, and art supplies along with games, toys, soccer balls, ballons, and anything else kids love playing with! Your support helps ensure these kiddos have a safe environment to learn while mom and dad are out working on the farm. 

Second, we partner directly with the largest food bank in Mexico to provide three meals for every bag of Con Todo Coffee that you purchase. The only thing we love more than coffee is food! The sad reality is that millions of people in Mexico have little to no access to nutricious food options. Simply put, people are hungry, malnourished, and we want to help change that. In fact, our goal is to help provide more than one millions meals for people in need in Mexico!

Finally, by purchasing Con Todo Coffee, you are supporting the ethical treatment of coffee farmers. As we continue to learn more about the coffee industry, we are shocked by the injustices we see. Many farmers are exploited and left in poverty while the giants of the coffee industry rake in profits. 

We work directly with farms that pay fair wages, and where workers are treated with kindness, love, and respect. Added bonus: both men and women are offered a job so that families can stay together!

What is the difference between your coffees? 

El Clásico is a medium roast coffee that is great for those of you that love a strong cup of coffee that isn’t too roasty. If we had one word to describe El Clásico, it would be smooth. 

The Vallarta is a medium/dark roast coffee that is perfect if you want something dark and a little more roasty, but that is still balanced and sweet. 

Café de los Muertos was made for our dark roast lovers! If you want a coffee that’s bold, dark, roasty, and strong, this is the coffee for you!